Research Projects @ The Trust



My name is Niall Ptolomey and I’m the new Heritage Co-ordinator for Inverclyde Community Development Trust. I’m delighted to say that I’ll be involved with two fantastic National Lottery Heritage Fund Projects: Legacies of Slavery and Digital Heritage: Telling Inverclyde’s Stories on Wikipedia.

Telling Inverclyde’s Stories on Wikipedia

Over the next few months, we’ll be establishing Heritage Research groups across Inverclyde in Greenock, Port Glasgow and Gourock. The purpose of these groups is to uncover heritage gaps relating to Inverclyde’s history on Wikipedia and/or improve what is already there. In short, this is a project about telling and sharing Inverclyde’s stories. The project provides Wikipedia training for volunteers from Wikimedia professionals.

If you join one of our Research Groups, you will have the opportunity to be involved in: Wikiwalks (taking photographs of key sites for upload), Zoom training sessions with Wikimedia trainer (creating and editing Wikipedia entries) and research at the Watt Institution/Archives. You will also gain access to the British Newspaper Archive. Research is determined by group interests - with each group focusing on a particular town. Participants will greatly enhance their digital and researching skills - and the groups are open to beginners and all skill levels. Get involved with what interests you!

Times/days and locations for the Greenock and Gourock groups are yet to be confirmed, with the Port Glasgow Group running in 7½ John Wood Street every Wednesday.

The Wikipedia training is delivered across 3 sessions and we have spaces available for our online group (via Zoom) starting Monday 23rd January at 10:00. The following sessions will take place Monday 6th February and Monday 12th February, with the option of visiting the Watt Institution for research in between sessions.

If this sounds like it might be of interest to you or anyone you know, please get in touch using the details at the bottom of this blogpost and I can keep you in the loop and provide more information.

Legacies of Slavery

As for our Legacies of Slavery project, we will be holding lots of interesting events throughout 2023, so keep checking back on the IHN Events page or on The Trust’s social media channels.

Across both heritage projects, there will be ample opportunity for volunteers to develop their heritage interpretation skills and help shape the way we tell and share stories from Inverclyde’s past.

Please visit Inverclyde Community Development Trust if you require further information on The Trust’s community work and services.

I hope to see you at one of our groups, or at the Watt Institution! Alternatively, I’m always happy to have a chat about Inverclyde’s heritage and you can get in touch with me using the contact details below. We are always looking for keen contributors!

Contact: Niall Ptolomey

7½ John Wood Street (Mon-Thurs)



A Wee Yellow Badge


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